Welcome to MoSaiQC!
The European Innovative Training Network MoSaiQC, short for "Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks", is training 16 PhD candidates (also called Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in this context) to become experts on optical atomic clocks. Together we develop the physics and technology needed to make new and better quantum clocks.
MoSaiQC consists of nine academia and industry partners of the European Quantum Flagship consortium iqClock and three further partners to provide a unique training experience for Early-Stage (PhD) Researchers. The iqClock consortium is developing an integrated optical clock and a new type of optical atomic clock, superradiant clocks. The ESR projects will take place in the laboratories and research centers of iqClock and the ESRs will develop Modular Systems for advanced integrated Quantum Clocks (MoSaiQC), such as advanced atomic sources, lightweight integrated atomics chambers, high-finesse cavities, flexible laser systems, resilient frequency stabilisation systems, modeling tools, and more. These systems go beyond what is currently developed in iqClock, but will immediate be used to advance the iqClock project. The ESRs are working within the iqClock teams, giving them hands-on experience not only with the specific systems they develop, but with entire optical clocks. Half-year secondments and visits of ESRs to other partners will broaden the horizon of the ESRs and give them exposure to the application of optical clocks. The ESRs will work on cutting edge projects developing new types of clocks or clocks with high integration and thereby acquire a wide range of skills from the foundations of ultracold atom quantum measurement devices (quantum mechanics, atomic physics, quantum optics), over engineering (laser systems, vacuum, electronics, software) to applications (search for changes in fundamental constants, gravitational wave detection, geology, network synchronization, navigation,...). After their PhD, the ESRs will be able to make significant contributions in academia, industry and society. The training material developed by MoSaiQC will be publicly available and thereby advance the education of further students. Read more... On this website, you will find our latest news, an overview of the ESR (PhD) projects, a more detailed description of the partner institutes and industries that make the project possible and the preliminary results. If you want to know more about MoSaiQC, don't hesitate to contact us! |
Recent News
18 July 2024 - video interview ESR Anna Bychek is now online! This video was created after Anna won the "For Women in Science" scholarship.
9 July 2024 - MoSaiQC Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) is now online! Check it out on the website and YouTube channel. Many thanks to all lecturers for their valuable contributions!
23 March 2024 - NRC, the 4th largest daily newspaper in the Netherlands, published an article about optical atomic clocks. Journalist Dorine Schenk describes her visit to the ultracold atom lab of Florian Schreck at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), where they interviewed him and Jeroen Koelemeij (VU) about how they build optical atomic clocks and time+frequency distribution networks. They were also interested in the applications of these devices in science and society, such as the search for beyond standard model physics, navigation, telecom network synchronization and underground exploration.
The full article (behind a paywall) can be found here. 23 February 2024 - Congratulations to Florian Schreck for winning the 2024 FYSICA prize for his work on Bose Einstein condensates and their applications! The prize will be awarded during the annual FYSICA conference in Eindhoven on 12 April. Read more here.
19 January 2024 - The MoSaiQC consortium had its final in-person Consortium Meeting hosted by the University of Birmingham. Besides management updates, each ESR presented their scientific progress and career development plans. Thank you all for the valuable contributions!